SwiftUI Blog

Mastering SwiftUI: Your Guide to Building Beautiful, Intuitive Apps.

  • Alert

    We can display an alert using the .alert modifier. Take a look at the code: The role of the button can be: Note that using a button with .destructive is also added the default cancel button

  • LazyGrid

    In SwiftUI we have two powerful and efficient grids to display multiple items: The fundamental element for these types of grids is the GridItem, which can be of three types: GridItem Adaptive GridItem Adaptive is essential for a responsive layout. By setting a minimum size for it, the grid will try to adapt to all…

  • ScrollView – Carousel

    Apart from the List, there is another component for creating a scrollable view of items: the ScrollView. This component allows scrolling vertically (by default) and horizontally. To learn how to use this component, we will create a carousel. We often see complex interfaces built using carousel components, as seen on Netflix, Amazon, and others. Let’s…

  • REST – Episode III – Obsevation Framework

    In this post, we’ll take a look at the Observation framework. The idea is that this framework will replace Combine, so for those starting to develop on iOS now, it’s better to start with it – it’s the future. Let’s see how it works using the structures from the first episode SwiftUI and REST (Episode…

  • SwiftUI – Episode II – POST and Authentication

    In this post, we’ll learn how to perform POST requests and use a bearer token to access REST APIs that require authentication. At the end of the post, you’ll find a link to the GitHub project, which includes the code for the mobile application as well as a simple server for testing purposes. Post First,…

  • Rest – Episode I° – Get

    In this episode, we will see how to implement a GET request. In the next one, we’ll explore how to make a POST request, and in the last one, we’ll examine different solutions. Suppose we want to search for books using the Google Books API: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=intitle:your-word. The idea is to write the search text in…

This is how it all started…

I started coding in the ’80s when I was a teenager with a Commodore Amiga 500 (which I bought 50% with my brother after a summer of work in the fields). My first programming language was AmigaBasic, but I soon moved on to C. At university, I discovered Linux, and it was love at first sight (1996). In the meantime, I became interested in the OpenSource world and the Qt framework (which has played an important role in my professional life). Along the way, I also worked with other technologies, but my background is in embedded engineering, so I transitioned to system programming and mobile development.

Mobile development is a key focus of this blog. I contributed to the Maemo, MeeGo, Mer, and SailfishOS projects. After that, I moved on to Android and later iOS. Since 2017, I’ve been a mentor at the local university for the Apple Foundation Program, a four-week full-immersion course where students learn how to create simple(?) mobile applications for iOS (as well as for Apple Watch and Apple TV). After writing nearly a hundred posts about SwiftUI, I decided to collect them all in one place, here, where I’ll create a path to develop iOS applications, following more or less what I teach my students, along with other insights.

Nicola De Filippo

Software Engineer & Mentor