ScrollView – Carousel
Apart from the List, there is another component for creating a scrollable view of items: the ScrollView. This component allows scrolling vertically (by default) and horizontally. To learn how to use this component, we will create a carousel. We often see complex interfaces built using carousel components, as seen on Netflix, Amazon, and others. Let’s…
REST – Episode III – Obsevation Framework
In this post, we’ll take a look at the Observation framework. The idea is that this framework will replace Combine, so for those starting to develop on iOS now, it’s better to start with it – it’s the future. Let’s see how it works using the structures from the first episode SwiftUI and REST (Episode…
SwiftUI – Episode II – POST and Authentication
In this post, we’ll learn how to perform POST requests and use a bearer token to access REST APIs that require authentication. At the end of the post, you’ll find a link to the GitHub project, which includes the code for the mobile application as well as a simple server for testing purposes. Post First,…
Rest – Episode I° – Get
In this episode, we will see how to implement a GET request. In the next one, we’ll explore how to make a POST request, and in the last one, we’ll examine different solutions. Suppose we want to search for books using the Google Books API: https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=intitle:your-word. The idea is to write the search text in…
Share data in an application
Many blog posts are responses to my students’ questions, and this one is no different. Often, my students need to build fast prototypes without saving permanent data and want to avoid writing complicated code with Core Data or the newer SwiftData. They frequently ask, “How can we share data across the application without passing it…
SwiftData – Episode III°
In this episode about SwiftData we’ll learn: Before we start, I advise you to review the previous episodes (SwiftData – Episode I°- Introduction and SwiftData – Episode – II° – Delete/) Edit Data First of all, we will create the view to edit a ProjectItem: A part from the variable used to dismiss the sheet…