SwiftUI Blog

Mastering SwiftUI: Your Guide to Building Beautiful, Intuitive Apps.

  • Map: Episode V – Route

    In this fifth and final episode of our series on Maps in SwiftUI, we’ll learn how to: As usual, let’s start from the beginning. In the code, we set the starting point at Infinite Loop and the ending point at Apple Park. By clicking on the car icon, we change the transport type to walking….

  • Map – episode IV: Search Around

    In this episode, we’ll learn how to conduct a search on the map. Our objective is to achieve something like this: Therefore, by typing in a text field what we want to search for, the points of interest found will be displayed on the map. In the example, I typed Shop, but you can type…

  • Map – episode III: Look Around

    In this episode, we’ll learn how to use the LookAround feature in our applications. To summarize, we will cover: Starting from the end, we aim for this: And by tapping on Look Around: Now you can navigate in 3D. Select a Marker Let’s begin by setting the position (the initial center of the map) in…

  • Map – episode II°

    In this post, we’ll learn how to: Add Markers Let’s see how to add a marker to both Berkeley and Stanford Universities. First, we’ll create a structure for our locations: The struct implements the Identifiable protocol because we need to define an ID for each element. This is especially crucial as we want to use…

  • Map – I

    This post is the first in a series about using Maps in SwiftUI. In this post, we’ll learn how to: Map Creation First, we need to add values in the info.plist for: Now, let’s take a look at the code: To use the map, we need to import MapKit, then define a position such as…

  • Stepper and Slider

    There are two components that are similar; both allow users to choose a value within a range. They are: Both share a definition that uses the same type of parameter. Stepper So, we can adjust the age by increasing or decreasing it using the buttons, with an initial value set to four. We can also…

This is how it all started…

I started coding in the ’80s when I was a teenager with a Commodore Amiga 500 (which I bought 50% with my brother after a summer of work in the fields). My first programming language was AmigaBasic, but I soon moved on to C. At university, I discovered Linux, and it was love at first sight (1996). In the meantime, I became interested in the OpenSource world and the Qt framework (which has played an important role in my professional life). Along the way, I also worked with other technologies, but my background is in embedded engineering, so I transitioned to system programming and mobile development.

Mobile development is a key focus of this blog. I contributed to the Maemo, MeeGo, Mer, and SailfishOS projects. After that, I moved on to Android and later iOS. Since 2017, I’ve been a mentor at the local university for the Apple Foundation Program, a four-week full-immersion course where students learn how to create simple(?) mobile applications for iOS (as well as for Apple Watch and Apple TV). After writing nearly a hundred posts about SwiftUI, I decided to collect them all in one place, here, where I’ll create a path to develop iOS applications, following more or less what I teach my students, along with other insights.

Nicola De Filippo

Software Engineer & Mentor