SwiftUI Blog

Mastering SwiftUI: Your Guide to Building Beautiful, Intuitive Apps.

  • Timer, shape, and player

    Creating a Dynamic Christmas Tree with Decorations and Light Effects In this blog, we’ll learn: Shortly, we’ll create this (tree.mov): Create the triangle First, the triangle implements the Shape protocol and creates a triangular shape by drawing in this way (considering that we pass a rectangle/frame): Remember that the coordinates start from the top of…

  • Custom Component

    SwiftUI is a powerful tool, though one area ripe for improvement is the variety of components available. In this post, we’ll explore how to build a custom component: a search text field. Adding a searchable component in SwiftUI is straightforward—you can easily add a search field to the navigation bar with just one line of…

  • Pager

    To help you with creating an onboarding screen using a custom pager with a custom font, custom color, and button, I’ll guide you through the steps: Create the Pager Component: Custom Font and Color: First, take a look how to create a pager: Now see how add a font: Now add a custom color, in…

  • Special Purpose Buttons

    In Swiftui we have three special purpose buttons: Let’s see how use them. EditButton This button is usually located in the navigation bar when a list is displayed in the view. Clicking the EditButton allows the items in the list to be displayed with delete (if onDelete is defined) and move (if onMove is defined)…

  • Pickers

    The Apple documentation defines the Picker as: ‘A control for selecting from a set of mutually exclusive values.’ In this post, we’ll explore the main types of pickers in SwiftUI: Default Picker In this case, we want to select a film from a list of three film names. The Picker is displayed with the second…

  • Segmented Control in SwiftUI

    Another option we can use for horizontal navigation is the segmented control. In this post, we’ll learn: Create the segment control Let’s start by creating a segment control that allows choosing from the days of the week: So, the Segment Control is created by using a Picker and setting its style to segmented. If you…

This is how it all started…

I started coding in the ’80s when I was a teenager with a Commodore Amiga 500 (which I bought 50% with my brother after a summer of work in the fields). My first programming language was AmigaBasic, but I soon moved on to C. At university, I discovered Linux, and it was love at first sight (1996). In the meantime, I became interested in the OpenSource world and the Qt framework (which has played an important role in my professional life). Along the way, I also worked with other technologies, but my background is in embedded engineering, so I transitioned to system programming and mobile development.

Mobile development is a key focus of this blog. I contributed to the Maemo, MeeGo, Mer, and SailfishOS projects. After that, I moved on to Android and later iOS. Since 2017, I’ve been a mentor at the local university for the Apple Foundation Program, a four-week full-immersion course where students learn how to create simple(?) mobile applications for iOS (as well as for Apple Watch and Apple TV). After writing nearly a hundred posts about SwiftUI, I decided to collect them all in one place, here, where I’ll create a path to develop iOS applications, following more or less what I teach my students, along with other insights.

Nicola De Filippo

Software Engineer & Mentor